Numbers on +7 910 may be located in the regions
Regions on the map in which the current phone number can be registered are highlighted in red.
Enter your home region and we'll highlight it in green.
- Alphabetically
- Descending capacity
- Ascending capacity
- Belgorod region
- Bryansk region
- Vladimir region
- Voronezh region
- Ivanovo region
- Kaluga region
- Kostroma region
- Kursk region
- Lipetsk region
- Moscow
- Moscow region
- Nizhny Novgorod Region
- Oryol Region
- Ryazan Oblast
- Smolensk region
- Tambov Region
- Tver region
- Tula region
- Yaroslavl region
Detailed list of regions for mobile phones starting with 910
Note!!! The code may have more than one operator and region, so in some cases the table may be large.
Small ranges with from one to several hundred numbers could be omitted below. This is done to reduce the bulk of the table. code 910 - all operators and regions by telephone code
Numbers | Operator | Region |
910‑000xxxx 001xxxx 002xxxx 003xxxx 004xxxx 005xxxx | MTS | Moscow region and Moscow city |
910‑006xxxx 007xxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910‑008xxxx 009xxxx | MTS | Moscow region and Moscow city |
910‑010xxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910‑011xxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910‑012xxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910‑013xxxx | MTS | Moscow region and Moscow city |
910‑014xxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910‑015xxxx | MTS | Moscow region and Moscow city |
910‑016xxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910‑017xxxx | MTS | Yaroslavl region |
910‑018xxxx | MTS | Ivanovo region |
910‑019xxxx | MTS | Moscow region and Moscow city |
910‑020xxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910‑021xxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910‑022xxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910‑023xxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910‑024xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910‑025xxxx 026xxxx 027xxxx 028xxxx 029xxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910‑030xxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910‑031xxxx 032xxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910‑033xxxx 034xxxx 035xxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910‑036xxxx 037xxxx 038xxxx | MTS | Vladimir region |
910‑039xxxx 040xxxx 041xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910‑042xxxx 043xxxx 044xxxx | MTS | Ivanovo region |
910‑045xxxx 046xxxx 047xxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910‑048xxxx 049xxxx 050xxxx | MTS | Moscow region and Moscow city |
910‑051xxxx 052xxxx 053xxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910‑054xxxx 055xxxx 056xxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910‑057xxxx 058xxxx 059xxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910‑060xxxx 061xxxx 062xxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910‑063xxxx 064xxxx 065xxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910‑066xxxx 067xxxx 068xxxx | MTS | Tambov Region |
910‑069xxxx 070xxxx 071xxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910‑072xxxx 073xxxx 074xxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910‑075xxxx 076xxxx 077xxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910‑078xxxx 079xxxx 080xxxx | MTS | Yaroslavl region |
910‑081xxxx 082xxxx 083xxxx 084xxxx 085xxxx 086xxxx 087xxxx 088xxxx 089xxxx | MTS | Moscow region and Moscow city |
910‑09xxxxx | MTS | Vladimir region |
910‑10xxxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910‑11xxxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910‑12xxxxx 13xxxxx 14xxxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910‑15xxxxx 16xxxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910‑17xxxxx 18xxxxx | MTS | Vladimir region |
910‑19xxxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910‑20xxxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910‑21xxxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910‑22xxxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910‑23xxxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910‑24xxxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910‑25xxxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910‑26xxxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910‑27xxxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910‑28xxxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910‑29xxxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910‑30xxxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910‑31xxxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910‑32xxxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910‑33xxxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910‑34xxxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910‑35xxxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910‑36xxxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910‑37xxxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910‑38xxxxx 39xxxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910‑4xxxxxx | MTS | Moscow region and Moscow city |
910‑50xxxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910‑51xxxxx 52xxxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910‑53xxxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910‑54xxxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910‑55xxxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910‑56xxxxx 57xxxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910‑58xxxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910‑59xxxxx 60xxxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910‑61xxxxx 62xxxxx 63xxxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910‑640xxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910‑641xxxx 642xxxx 643xxxx 644xxxx 645xxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910‑646xxxx 647xxxx 648xxxx 649xxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910‑65xxxxx | MTS | Tambov Region |
910‑660xxxx 661xxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910‑662xxxx 663xxxx 664xxxx 665xxxx 666xxxx | MTS | Yaroslavl region |
910‑667xxxx 668xxxx 669xxxx | MTS | Ivanovo region |
910‑67xxxxx | MTS | Vladimir region |
910‑68xxxxx 69xxxxx | MTS | Ivanovo region |
910‑700xxxx 701xxxx 702xxxx 703xxxx 704xxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910‑705xxxx 706xxxx 707xxxx 708xxxx 709xxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910‑71xxxxx 72xxxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910‑730xxxx 731xxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910‑732xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910‑733xxxx 734xxxx 735xxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910‑736xxxx 737xxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910‑738xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910‑739xxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910‑740xxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910‑741xxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910‑742xxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910‑743xxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910‑744xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910‑745xxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910‑746xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910‑747xxxx 748xxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910‑749xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910‑75xxxxx | MTS | Tambov Region |
910‑76xxxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910‑77xxxxx | MTS | Vladimir region |
910‑78xxxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910‑79xxxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910‑80xxxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910‑81xxxxx 82xxxxx | MTS | Yaroslavl region |
910‑83xxxxx 84xxxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910‑85xxxxx | MTS | Tambov Region |
910‑86xxxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910‑87xxxxx 88xxxxx 89xxxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910‑90xxxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910‑91xxxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910‑92xxxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910‑93xxxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910‑94xxxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910‑95xxxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910‑96xxxxx 97xxxxx | MTS | Yaroslavl region |
910‑98xxxxx 99xxxxx | MTS | Ivanovo region |
Dialing options with 910 code from Russia
From a mobile phone in Russia: +7-(910)-xxxxxxx or 8-(910)-xxxxxxx
From a landline phone in Russia: 8(910)xxxxxxx
How to dial a Russian number with this code from abroad
There are two options: 007(910)xxxxxxx or +7-910-xxxxxxx
where xxxxxxx is the subscriber’s 7-digit cell phone number
Numbers on 8910 belong to the operator
All numbers in this range were issued to only one operator:
- PJSC "Mobile TeleSystems"
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You can also use your mobile phone camera to scan the QR code and save the link.
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Check your phone number
- 8 910 0******
- 8 910 1******
- 8 910 2******
- 8 910 3******
- 8 910 4******
- 8 910 5******
- 8 910 6******
- 8 910 7******
- 8 910 8******
- 8 910 9******
Who called from the numbers +7 (910) xxx-xx-xx?
Our visitors left 5+ reviews with information about who called from the numbers using the mask +7 (910) ***-**-**.
Here are just a few of the latest reviews. Go to the page for a specific phone number to see all reviews for that number, or specify the mask to see more reviews.
Stupid kids calling and playing around Who called: Stupid kids calling and playing around
Region: Ryazan region
Thank you, your site is very useful! Who called: ????????? ????
Region: Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
The Moscow Investigative Committee called. They reported that a woman with my power of attorney was wandering around Moscow, trying to withdraw money from my account. They say they will now give instructions on what to do and what operations to perform. Who called: Fraudsters
Region: Kostroma region
A scammer operates from Avito, takes money for the goods and disappears. Writes from this number Who called: Fraudsters
Region: Russia
The man took up advertising promotion and disappeared, trying to get through to him, it will be like two weeks, no result. Who called: 89105877161
Region: Tula region
Voronezh region mobile operator codes
In this table you can find out all the DEF codes to which mobile phone numbers in the Voronezh region belong. You will also receive information about what mobile or cellular operators exist in the Voronezh region and what telephone codes belong to each of them. Additionally, information is provided on the numbering capacities of cellular networks and the date of their issue to a specific telecom operator.
Mobile operator | Code | Beginning of the series | End of the series | date of issue |
CJSC Votek Mobile | 900 | 3000000 | 3099999 | 16.12.2011 |
CJSC "Kodotel" | 900 | 2990000 | 2999999 | 29.08.2011 |
CJSC Skylink | 901 | 1930000 | 1939999 | 18.08.2005 |
CJSC Skylink | 901 | 9930000 | 9939999 | 18.08.2005 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 903 | 0250000 | 0259999 | 09.09.2004 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 903 | 0300000 | 0309999 | 09.09.2004 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 903 | 4200000 | 4209999 | 09.09.2004 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 903 | 6500000 | 6569999 | 09.09.2004 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 903 | 8500000 | 8599999 | 09.09.2004 |
CJSC Votek Mobile | 904 | 2100000 | 2149999 | 14.05.2005 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 905 | 0490000 | 0539999 | 09.07.2004 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 905 | 6440000 | 6449999 | 09.07.2004 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 905 | 6500000 | 6599999 | 09.07.2004 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 906 | 5800000 | 5909999 | 12.11.2004 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 906 | 6700000 | 6809999 | 12.11.2004 |
CJSC Votek Mobile | 908 | 1300000 | 1499999 | 01.08.2005 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 909 | 2100000 | 2179999 | 30.12.2004 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 910 | 2400000 | 2499999 | 17.12.2003 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 910 | 2800000 | 2899999 | 24.11.2004 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 910 | 3400000 | 3499999 | 13.12.2001 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 910 | 7320000 | 7329999 | 13.12.2001 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 910 | 7380000 | 7389999 | 13.12.2001 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 910 | 7440000 | 7449999 | 13.12.2001 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 910 | 7460000 | 7469999 | 13.12.2001 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 910 | 7490000 | 7499999 | 13.11.2002 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 915 | 5400000 | 5499999 | 07.02.2005 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 915 | 5800000 | 5899999 | 07.02.2005 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 919 | 1800000 | 1899999 | 19.06.2006 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 919 | 2300000 | 2499999 | 31.10.2005 |
OJSC MegaFon Caucasian branch | 920 | 2100000 | 2299999 | 14.05.2004 |
OJSC MegaFon Caucasian branch | 920 | 4000000 | 4699999 | 28.04.2004 |
OJSC MegaFon Caucasian branch | 929 | 0060000 | 0119999 | 03.02.2009 |
OJSC MegaFon 3G_Caucasian branch | 930 | 0110000 | 0119999 | 21.05.2009 |
OJSC "Tele2" | 950 | 7500000 | 7799999 | 16.03.2006 |
OJSC "Tele2" | 951 | 5400000 | 5699999 | 28.07.2006 |
OJSC "Tele2" | 951 | 8500000 | 8799999 | 23.07.2007 |
OJSC "Tele2" | 952 | 1000000 | 1099999 | 14.08.2009 |
OJSC "Tele2" | 952 | 5400000 | 5599999 | 01.11.2007 |
CJSC "Kodotel" | 952 | 9500000 | 9599999 | 02.11.2009 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 960 | 1000000 | 1399999 | 05.03.2005 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 961 | 0280000 | 0299999 | 09.11.2005 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 961 | 1090000 | 1099999 | 07.12.2005 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 961 | 1800000 | 1899999 | 07.12.2005 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 961 | 6130000 | 6179999 | 07.12.2005 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 962 | 3250000 | 3499999 | 06.03.2006 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 964 | 1360000 | 1379999 | 17.12.2008 |
OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) | 964 | 4820000 | 4899999 | 17.12.2008 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 980 | 2400000 | 2499999 | 22.01.2010 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 980 | 3400000 | 3499999 | 27.06.2008 |
OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) | 980 | 5400000 | 5499999 | 22.04.2009 |
Find out the mobile number: >> HERE <
<< Russian mobile operator codes
World mobile operator codes >>
Phone codes for Russian cities >>
How to call numbers with 910 code?
From a mobile or landline phone
If you are going to call from a mobile, landline or landline phone, then use the following dialing format: +7 (or just 8), code 910, and then the subscriber number using the mask: xxx-xx-xx.
Set examples:
- +7
- 8
From the office
As a rule, to call a mobile phone from the office, you must first “connect to a landline connection.” To do this, you need to dial a code - usually the number “9” or “0”. Usually, after dialing the code, you should wait for a long beep, press the number “8”, wait for the long beep again and enter the subscriber number: 910 xxx-xx-xx. If the numbers “9” and “0” are not suitable, ask which number your colleagues “go out into the city” through.
Set examples:
- 9, "beep", 8, "beep",
- 0, "beep", 8, "beep",
To a phone located abroad, from the territory of the Russian Federation
If the called subscriber with code 910 is abroad, then the dialing method does not change - you should dial the number in the same way as if the subscriber were near you.
Set examples:
- 8
- +7
From a mobile phone, from abroad
If you are outside the territory of the Russian Federation, then, as a rule, to make a call to a mobile phone, you first need to “go to international communication”. Different countries have different exit codes, but as a rule it is 00, 011 or 0011. After dialing the code, you should dial “seven” (7), code 910 and the subscriber number itself: xxx-xx-xx. You can find out the exit code in a specific country by asking local residents, for example in English: “ Tell me please, how I can call on mobile phone?”
Set examples:
- 00
- 011
- 0011
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Code 910 – MTS
Mobile operators and regions with code +7910, 8910 *
* Attention!
Any number can be transferred to another operator. To accurately determine the ownership of a number, use the operator detection function
Numbers | Operator | Region |
910-000xxxx 001xxxx 002xxxx 003xxxx 004xxxx 005xxxx | MTS | Moscow |
910-006xxxx 007xxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910-008xxxx 009xxxx | MTS | Moscow |
910-010xxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910-011xxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910-012xxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910-013xxxx | MTS | Moscow |
910-014xxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910-015xxxx | MTS | Moscow |
910-016xxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910-017xxxx | MTS | Yaroslavl region |
910-018xxxx | MTS | Ivanovo region |
910-019xxxx | MTS | Moscow |
910-020xxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910-021xxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910-022xxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910-023xxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910-024xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910-025xxxx 026xxxx 027xxxx 028xxxx 029xxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910-030xxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910-031xxxx 032xxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910-033xxxx 034xxxx 035xxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910-036xxxx 037xxxx 038xxxx | MTS | Vladimir region |
910-039xxxx 040xxxx 041xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910-042xxxx 043xxxx 044xxxx | MTS | Ivanovo region |
910-045xxxx 046xxxx 047xxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910-048xxxx 049xxxx 050xxxx | MTS | Moscow |
910-051xxxx 052xxxx 053xxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910-054xxxx 055xxxx 056xxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910-057xxxx 058xxxx 059xxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910-060xxxx 061xxxx 062xxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910-063xxxx 064xxxx 065xxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910-066xxxx 067xxxx 068xxxx | MTS | Tambov Region |
910-069xxxx 070xxxx 071xxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910-072xxxx 073xxxx 074xxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910-075xxxx 076xxxx 077xxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910-078xxxx 079xxxx 080xxxx | MTS | Yaroslavl region |
910-081xxxx 082xxxx 083xxxx 084xxxx 085xxxx 086xxxx 087xxxx 088xxxx 089xxxx | MTS | Moscow |
910-09xxxxx | MTS | Vladimir region |
910-10xxxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910-11xxxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910-12xxxxx 13xxxxx 14xxxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910-15xxxxx 16xxxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910-17xxxxx 18xxxxx | MTS | Vladimir region |
910-19xxxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910-20xxxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910-21xxxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910-22xxxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910-23xxxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910-24xxxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910-25xxxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910-26xxxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910-27xxxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910-28xxxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910-29xxxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910-30xxxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910-31xxxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910-32xxxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910-33xxxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910-34xxxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910-35xxxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910-36xxxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910-37xxxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910-38xxxxx 39xxxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910-4xxxxxx | MTS | Moscow |
910-50xxxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910-51xxxxx 52xxxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910-53xxxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910-54xxxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910-55xxxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910-56xxxxx 57xxxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910-58xxxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910-59xxxxx 60xxxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910-61xxxxx 62xxxxx 63xxxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910-640xxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910-641xxxx 642xxxx 643xxxx 644xxxx 645xxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910-646xxxx 647xxxx 648xxxx 649xxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910-65xxxxx | MTS | Tambov Region |
910-660xxxx 661xxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910-662xxxx 663xxxx 664xxxx 665xxxx 666xxxx | MTS | Yaroslavl region |
910-667xxxx 668xxxx 669xxxx | MTS | Ivanovo region |
910-67xxxxx | MTS | Vladimir region |
910-68xxxxx 69xxxxx | MTS | Ivanovo region |
910-700xxxx 701xxxx 702xxxx 703xxxx 704xxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910-705xxxx 706xxxx 707xxxx 708xxxx 709xxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910-71xxxxx 72xxxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910-730xxxx 731xxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910-732xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910-733xxxx 734xxxx 735xxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910-736xxxx 737xxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910-738xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910-739xxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910-740xxxx | MTS | Kursk region |
910-741xxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910-742xxxx | MTS | Lipetsk region |
910-743xxxx | MTS | Bryansk region |
910-744xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910-745xxxx | MTS | Belgorod region |
910-746xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910-747xxxx 748xxxx | MTS | Oryol Region |
910-749xxxx | MTS | Voronezh region |
910-75xxxxx | MTS | Tambov Region |
910-76xxxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910-77xxxxx | MTS | Vladimir region |
910-78xxxxx | MTS | Smolensk region |
910-79xxxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910-80xxxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910-81xxxxx 82xxxxx | MTS | Yaroslavl region |
910-83xxxxx 84xxxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910-85xxxxx | MTS | Tambov Region |
910-86xxxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910-87xxxxx 88xxxxx 89xxxxx | MTS | Nizhny Novgorod Region |
910-90xxxxx | MTS | Ryazan Oblast |
910-91xxxxx | MTS | Kaluga region |
910-92xxxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910-93xxxxx | MTS | Tver region |
910-94xxxxx | MTS | Tula region |
910-95xxxxx | MTS | Kostroma region |
910-96xxxxx 97xxxxx | MTS | Yaroslavl region |
910-98xxxxx 99xxxxx | MTS | Ivanovo region |
How to call a number with the code 910 From a mobile phone in Russia:
+7-(910)-xxxxxxx or 8-(910)-xxxxxxx
From a landline phone in Russia:
From abroad:
where xxxxxxx is the 7-digit cell phone number.
Telephone codes of other cellular operators Operator code 911 Operator code 912 Operator code 913 Operator code 914 Operator code 915
All mobile operator codes
Determining country, city/operator by any phone number