04/18/2020 “Turn on! Communicate" dial the ussd command: *789*5# or SMS with the text YES to the number
Cellular companies are constantly developing programs or navigation services for various resources. They are significantly
Standard ambulance number Standard call to the hospital from a mobile device through the operator Motiv
The importance of precise time has been known since ancient times. The duration was determined by sunrise and sunset
The mobile phone has become an integral part of the life of a modern person. Every year new opportunities appear
Not every user knows their phone number by heart. Therefore, when to report
In a modern family, almost everyone has smartphones with connected Internet tariffs, minutes
A modern user may need to replace a Megafon SIM card for various reasons. Most common: purchase
Date: May 19, 2020 Author: iMobile Hello everyone! In this article we will look at virtual mobile tariffs
How to check the operation of GPS on Android The receiver of the satellite navigation system in a mobile phone is very