As children, we were all forced to memorize emergency numbers so that in the event of an emergency we could immediately call an ambulance, fire brigade, police or gas service. But times are changing, and today people use landline phones less and less; they have been replaced by so-called mobile phones. And until now, most subscribers of mobile operators (MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2) do not know how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone.
In this review you will find emergency phone numbers for cell phones that are relevant for 2021 in Russia. Here is their list:
- 101 – Ministry of Emergency Situations or fire service;
- 102 – police (former police);
- 103 – ambulance;
- 104 – emergency gas service.
These numbers are valid for both landline and mobile phones.
And in order to respond to certain situations in a timely manner, quickly find the necessary information and learn how to manage your number directly from your phone, we have prepared special reviews for subscribers of different operators. Here you will find an article that contains useful Beeline commands and numbers; for MTS subscribers there is a separate review with important MTS numbers and commands. A separate review covers useful commands and MegaFon numbers.
Short number
For a long time there was a single police number - 02; cellular communications are designed in such a way that the minimum number of digits of the number must be at least three. For Tele2, combination 102 , which is reserved and stamped onto the SIM card during the manufacturing process.
In addition to short contact, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has developed a mobile service for citizens, which can be installed on a smartphone for free. Advantages of the Ministry of Internal Affairs application and emergency police call:
- The call goes to the police station closest to the user.
- The employee will guide you on how to behave and what to do in an emergency.
- The appeal is automatically transferred to the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The application makes it possible to quickly find out the contacts of all police officers assigned to a precinct.
If there is an emergency at home
Alas, even at home we are not insured against accidents. Especially in winter, when weather conditions can cause serious breakdowns of heating systems and gas equipment, and heavy snowfalls or hurricanes can cause damage to power lines. And finally, it is possible that you will simply get stuck in the elevator and will have to wait for help for a very long time.
The following emergency numbers will help you:
- Mosgaz, control room: +7
. - Dispatch room of the Housing and Public Utilities Department: +7 (8:00-17:00)
. - Moslift: +7
How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone
Often we don't remember how to call an ambulance from our mobile phone. And therefore, it is better to take care of obtaining this information in advance than to look for these treasured numbers on the Internet at a critical moment. It is best to write down the ambulance number in the phone book so that you always have it “at hand”. Each operator provides its own short telephone number for an emergency call to an ambulance and it is free for you. Therefore, we will provide phone numbers for each operator:
- Megafon – 103
- MTS – 103
- Beeline – 103
- Tele2 – 103
As you can see, the numbers are based on the number "03", which we all know well. A 1 has been added to it, thanks to which numbers can be easily dialed on any mobile phone (many handsets recognize two-digit numbers as commands, preventing dialing).
Where to complain
Have you encountered a violation of rights in a medical institution or is the attending physician not doing his job in good faith? Call the number: +7
, the health department needs to look into this.
If you are tired of advertising calls and spammers do not give you access, feel free to complain about them to Roskomnadzor: +7 (495) 987-68-00
When law enforcement agencies do not protect you at all, and even violate your rights, call the prosecutor’s office: +7 (495) 987-56-56
Other emergency numbers
Having dealt with the combination of calling the police from a Tele2 mobile phone, you need to pay attention to other phones that may be needed in a difficult situation. In the event of an emergency, dial:
- 101 for communication with the fire service or emergency situations personnel;
- 102 to contact the police and call the duty station;
- 103 to call medical workers and go to an ambulance;
- 104 in case of gas leaks or accidents on gas mains.
It is easy to notice that the listed telephone numbers are almost completely identical to the traditional contact numbers used to call emergency services. The only change was the appearance of an additional unit, which brought the usual number in line with the requirements of modern telephone communications. At the same time, all the listed contacts are extremely easy to remember, which is extremely important, given their enormous importance.
In addition to the mentioned telephone numbers, there is an additional universal number 112. It allows you to call a single dispatch center, whose employees will answer the call and help you contact the right people.
How to call the police from a mobile phone
If you find yourself in a situation in which you need immediate police assistance, then you can use a single emergency phone number or call the short number that you see below opposite your operator. Calls to these numbers are free for you.
- Megafon – 102
- MTS – 102
- Beeline – 102
- Tele2 – 102
All numbers are based on the standard "02" number for landline telephones, so they will be very easy for you to remember.
Short number to call
In a life-threatening situation, there is rarely access to a landline telephone. Therefore, the standard 01, 02, 03 will not help, because these are two-digit numbers and are not suitable for GSM. Below are three-digit combinations of numbers that can be used to call the necessary emergency services from your mobile device.
It’s easy to remember them, because the caller needs to add the number 1 before the usual number:
It is possible to make a call to these numbers both from MTS and using SIM cards from other cellular operators.
Recommendations for communicating with the operator
When talking to an emergency operator, you must describe the current situation in detail. You should try to remain calm and clear-headed, do not panic, and clearly report what happened.
This will help the dispatcher quickly understand the problem and send a team to help. The operator can ask clarifying questions, which should be answered immediately. If you are asked to stay on the line, under no circumstances should you hang up. You need to make sure that the information is accepted and the service leaves.
The police have no right to refuse to help you at all! it is illegal!
When calling the police, you are not required to give your full name, you can remain completely anonymous, but your phone number will still be identified, so you can make a call from any other SIM card that you do not use. If they demand that you identify yourself and this motivates your refusal to come to the scene, then write down the details of the person on duty and you can then file a complaint against him.
Also, you do not have to wait for the police to arrive; they simply must accept your appeal, record it and leave. Your task is to report a crime, someone’s illegal behavior or other violation of the law, including administrative ones.
The police must, by law, arrive no later than 10 minutes after the call; if the time is delayed and more than 10 minutes have passed, make repeated calls, you can record conversations and then hold them accountable for being late.
Police officers may call you after arriving at the scene, but you can safely not answer these calls, but only if you have provided complete and comprehensive information about the incident. Also, if you are forced to write a statement or explanatory note, you can and have every right to refuse, because police officers must independently record the fact of a violation of the law.
Why can’t you dial 01, 02, 03, 04 from a mobile phone?
The answer to this question is quite simple: this is because cell phones do not support calls to two-digit numbers. You can only call at least three-digit numbers. Previously, numbers were appended with an asterisk symbol - for example, “*03”. Today in Russia there is a single numbering system, accessible from both landline and mobile phones.
Calls to emergency numbers are free, they are available even with a zero or negative balance.
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If there is a health emergency
At any moment, your own health may fail you, your loved ones may get into trouble, a passerby on the street may need urgent medical attention. As a rule, this happens unexpectedly. So that you are prepared for this and know what to do, remember or save the most necessary phone numbers in Moscow for emergency situations:
Ambulance: 03, 103, 030
1. Institute named after. Sklifosovsky, registration: +7 (495) 680-85-47
2. Hospitalization, transportation of women in labor and gynecological patients: +7.
How to call the police from MTS: free phone number
Everyone needs to know how to call the police from MTS - both children and adults. It is impossible to predict what will await us at a certain point in life, and what danger may happen in everyday life - at home, at work, on the way somewhere, etc. Since safety always remains a priority, at a critical moment, clients need to quickly find their bearings and call law enforcement. We have prepared an example of how to call the police from MTS from a mobile phone in this article. In addition, as the survey showed, not everyone knows which police number to call.
Where to complain about housing and communal services
We are all well aware of the problems with the activities of public utilities. If you are tired of uncleaned yards and entrances, numerous interruptions in electricity, water and gas supply, and you want to finally deal with lazy utility workers, dial the number of the housing and communal services department: +7, (495) 681-73-67.
To achieve justice and defend your rights and legitimate interests when the housing and communal services department does not consider your complaint, contact the Moscow Housing Inspectorate: +7.
To the ambulance
Tele2 subscribers should have the ambulance number at hand. After all, in the event of an unexpectedly poor state of health for yourself, a loved one, or just a passerby, you need to quickly contact an ambulance, and not look for information about calling service on the Internet.
Calls from a mobile phone are free. To call an ambulance, dial 030 (103).
The most famous ambulance number is 03. The mobile operator offers us almost the same set, so calling an ambulance from Tele2 should be remembered in your memory.
How to call an emergency gas service from a mobile phone
If you find a gas leak in an apartment or anywhere else, immediately call 112 and notify the dispatcher about it. Or you can call the gas service directly at the number provided below opposite your mobile network operator.
- Megafon – 104
- MTS – 104
- Beeline – 104
- Tele2 – 104
Just like all other emergency numbers, this one is based on the generally accepted number “04” with the number “1” substituted.
Emergency communication on MTS
Emergency numbers were invented at the same time for a reason. In accordance with Article 52 of the Federal Law “On Communications,” a universal system was developed. A subscriber of any operator can call 112 at any time:
Every operator has number 112. It is the mobile company that ensures the activities of the emergency service, hiring employees and competently working with various situations.
In this regard, it is possible that the response method will differ between different operators: in some, a robot answers, and the subscriber needs to press the appropriate button, and in others, a live person who then directs the call where necessary.
Remember the police number - 102 from a mobile phone, 02 from a landline, and 112 is a single emergency number for calls from a phone anywhere and at any time.
What information must the caller provide?
Every person calling firefighters, ambulance, rescuers or police must report:
- nature of the emergency (fire, attack, etc.);
- object (location of fire, age of sick person);
- address of the object (if the event occurred on the street, then the address of the nearest house);
- details of the person sending the message (full name, residential address).
Depending on the situation, the operator can ask additional questions and give advice on further actions before specialists arrive.
Correctly call the police by phone
Just in case, let me remind you that we call the police at “102”, or call the district police officer if you know his phone number, but I will say right away that it is not always possible to reach the district police officer, so we dial “102” and you won’t go wrong.
After the police officer picks up the phone, he must introduce himself, stating his name, surname and position, then he must listen to you carefully and accept your appeal.
Your appeal must be registered in the KUSP (incident/crime reporting book). Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are responsible for the safety of your data that you transfer to them, and the procedure and deadline for registering your appeal must also be observed.
When you call, it would be a good idea to once again clarify the name of the employee receiving your appeal, his position and the number under which your appeal is registered, remember the time of your appeal, as well as the date. This information will be useful to you if there is no response to your appeal and you will know exactly when you applied and who accepted your appeal.
Now looking for technical support: Old maps of Ukraine -
Moscow emergency phone numbers
City emergency phone numbers
Free calls to city emergency services:
01 — Ministry of Emergency Situations and Fire Department
02 - police
03 - emergency ambulance
04 - gas emergency service
112 is one of the emergency telephones used in the GSM standard. Call 112 is available even when the phone keypad is locked or there is no SIM card!
Firefighters and rescuers 01
MGPS (Moscow City Search and Rescue Service) (24 hours a day) 917-2595, 917-2583
Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, operational duty officer (24 hours a day) 926-3738,926-3739
Rescue service (24 hours), all types of assistance 937-9911
Rescue service "Grand-Vympel", city rescue service under the Ministry of Emergency Situations (24 hours) 164-3332
Russian Emergency Situations Ministry. Conducting high-risk rescue operations. pager 926-3522 ab.840
Moscow Crisis Management Center, duty service (24 hours a day) 995-9999
ASBON (branch of the Ministry of Emergency Situations), emergency opening of door locks of apartments, garages, cars, safes (24 hours a day) 799-8888
Moscow Air Transport Police Department 214-0805
Moscow police department for railway transport 264-6834
Centrospas EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, search and rescue service in Moscow (24 hours a day)
— Central base 278-9596 — Base No. 2 426-8900, 426-5980 — Base in Zelenograd 531-2000, 531-6666
Department for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs of the Administrative Districts of Moscow (24 hours a day):
— Eastern AO 267-4843 — Western AO 149-2431 — Zelenograd AO 535-1601 — Northern AO 450-8639 — Northeastern AO 281-5920 — Northwestern AO 192-8095 — Central AO 912-5807 — Southern AO 319 -7718 - South-Eastern Autonomous District 350-3862, 175-3550 - South-Western Autonomous District 121-9200
Demercurization of premises and territories. NPP "Ekotrom" (on weekdays from 10-00 to 18-00) 110-0001 Department for Combating Crimes in the Field of Environmental Protection 254-7556 Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (operational duty officer, 24 hours a day) 287-3141 Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Conducting high-risk rescue operations. pager 926-3522 ab.840 Green Peace (on weekdays from 10-00 to 18-00) 257-4116
Firefighters and rescuers 01 Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 217-2059 Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate 244-8233
Mosgaz 04 Mosgaz. Central city gas network dispatch office 917-4316, 917-4525 Mosgorsvet. Duty dispatcher (street lighting) 928-8802
Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB of Russia) 921-0762 Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation 913-0009 Department of the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate 923-3390, 923-4909 Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 237-8551 - Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 204 -8815 - Main Directorate of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 251-4051 - Main Directorate for Ensuring Public Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 239-6428 - Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region 222-4801
Territorial divisions of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the administrative districts of Moscow (duty units):
Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District (B. Polyanka St., 7/10, building 2) 953-2967 Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-Eastern Administrative District (Veshnih Vod St., 10, building 3) 183-0101 Internal Affairs Directorate of the Eastern Administrative District (5th Parkovaya St. .,38/13) 965-1401 Internal Affairs Directorate of the South-Eastern Autonomous District (Sormovsky Ave., 13, building 2) 919-1962 Internal Affairs Directorate of the Southern Autonomous District (Kashirskoye Shosse, 30) 324-8802 Internal Affairs Directorate of the Western Autonomous District (2nd Mosfilmovsky lane, 147-4220 Department of Internal Affairs of the Northern Administrative District (Admiral Makarova str., 23, building 1) 452-4945
Scientific and practical center for emergency medical care (24 hours a day). Emergency call in case of road accidents, explosions, emergency situations 924-8138, 924-8110 Institute named after. Sklifosovsky, emergency department (24 hours a day) 280-9360, 280-4154, 929-1009 Hospitalization, transportation of women in labor and gynecological patients (24 hours a day) 684-0026 Ambulance and emergency care, hospitalization (paid, 24 hours a day). "Medexpress" 401-5470 City center for emergency psychological assistance (9-00 - 20-00) 924-6001
Eastern Administrative District P-ki No. 5, 85 (Matrosskaya Tishina St., 14) 268-7002 P-ki No. 7, 14, 17, 21, 31, 66, 95, 137, 196 (Old Gai St., 3) 375-8374 P-ki no. 9, 20, 52, 83, 122, 175 (Pervomaiskaya st., 10, building A) 367-0372 P-ki no. 16, 28, 29, 60, 65 (Otkrytoye shosse, 24 ) 167-6070
Western Administrative District P-ki No. 30, 199 (Poklonnaya St., 8, building 2) 249-1054 P-ki No. 47, 57, 67, 88, 119, 131 (Ramenki St., 21a) 931-8655 P -ki No. 50, 73, 128, 130 (Pivchenkova St., 10a) 144-7516 P-ki No. 51, 64, 89 (Artamonova St., 6) 449-3800 P-ki No. 124, 132, 144 (Novoorlovskaya st., 2, building 1) 733-5385
Northern Administrative District P-ki No. 15, 68, 77, 86 (Dubninskaya St., 40, building 3) 485-2192 P-ki No. 22, 37, 45, 87, 133 (Petrozavodskaya St., 26B) 451- 3012 P-ki No. 76, 79, 193 (Deguninskaya St., 8a) 489-1594
North-Eastern Administrative District P-ki No. 8, 11, 26, 75, 102, 125 (Kostromskaya St., 14) 901-1044 P-ki No. 9, 96, 99, 126, 126 branch (Kasatkina St., 7 ) 283-2601 P-ki No. 24, 44, 75, 110 (Yablochkova street, 33) 210-8922, 210-3097 P-ki No. 55, 113 (Staroalekseevskaya st., 18) 287-0688
North-Western Administrative District P-ki No. 4, 78, 94, 219 (Meshcheryakova St., 4, building 2) 491-7766 P-ki No. 6, 12, 33, 36, 74 (General Karbysheva Blvd., 3 ) 199-5987 P-ki No. 58, 109 (Tvardovsky St., 5, building 4) 750-5354 P-ki No. 140, 141 (Mitinskaya St., 34,) 751-1505
Central Administrative District P-ki No. 13, 27, 139 (Antonova-Ovseenko st., 256-0271 P-ki No. 18, 100, 104 (Sibirsky Prospect, 1) 270-9590 P-ki No. 34, 34 branch , 117 (B. Kozlovsky lane, 9) 207-0933 Post office no. 35, 38 (3rd Frunzenskaya st., 6) 242-1888 Post office no. 32, 113 (Fadeeva st.,
South-Eastern Administrative District P-ki No. 61, 101, 115 (2nd Sinichkina St., 6) 361-1210 P-ki No. 12, 13, 49, 114, 135 (Fedora Poletaeva St., 22) 175- 5595 Post offices No. 36, 48, 93, 106, 112, 136, 147 (Artyukhinoy st., 27, building 3) 178-1864 Post offices No. 53, 53 branch, 59, 146, 114 (Samarkandsky Blvd. , 17, building 2) 376-4138 Post offices No. 13, 49, 114, 142, 143 (Aviakonstruktora Milya St., 5, building 1) 705-0342
South-Western Administrative District P-ki No. 10, 41, 46, 63, 80, 81, 134, 205 (Ak. Pilyugina St., 26, building 5) 132-7906 P-ki No. 56, 62, 69, 72 (Vinokurova St., 14) 126-8673 Post offices No. 97, 103, 111, 203 (Golubinskaya St., 21, building 2) 421-2900
Southern Administrative District P-ki No. 1, 61, 101 (Kolomenskaya embankment, 14, building 2) 115-2486 P-ki No. 2, 3, 70, 92, 98, 129, 208 (Dorozhnaya st., 26) 382-8210 Post offices No. 12, 23, 66, 82, 91, 127, 210 (Kashirskoe highway, 57, building 1) 344-8966 Post offices No. 23, 40, 82, 91, 116 (Timurovskaya st. , 3) 327-0315 P-ki No. 25, 108 (Leninsky Prospect, 16) 952-5245 P-ki No. 66, 107, 121 (Eletskaya st., 35, building 1) 399-5097
Reception FSB of the Russian Federation 924-3158 Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation 928-7061 Military Commissariat 924-7788
Emergency psychological assistance - trust service. Anonymous, free (24/7). 205-0550 Center for psychological assistance to women “Yaroslavna”. Free, anonymous (Tuesday to Thursday from 10-00 to 18-00). Psychological support group for women with family problems. 282-8450 Sisters Sexual Assault Center. For free. Anonymous helpline, psychological assistance, legal and medical information (daily, except Saturday and Sunday from 10-00 to 20-00). 901-0201 Helpline for drug addiction of the Moscow Health Committee (from 10-00 to 18-00) 249-8646 Department of psychological assistance of the Association of Young Disabled People. Anonymously. Free psychological consultations (Tuesdays and Fridays from 12-00 to 18-00). 283-5901 Psychological, medical and social services for children subjected to abuse and violence. Anonymous, free (daily, except Saturday and Sunday from 9-00 to 17-00). 265-0118 Telephone number for the prevention of drug addiction among minors 201-7691
Protecting the rights of parents whose children died in the army in peacetime. Mother's Right Foundation 206-0581 Opposition to the use of the death penalty and torture. Society “Right to Life and Civic Dignity” 206-8589
Existing combinations
The only number reserved for Tele2 is 102 , international emergency numbers are 112 and 911 . It is recommended to remember additional combinations for contacting the police. The lines remain operational around the clock, employees accept requests and provide psychological assistance until the crew arrives. The following numbers exist:
- 02*;
- 112;
- 020.
A feature of the services remains attention to people’s problems, so if, under the influence of emotions, instead of the police, you dial the numbers of the gas service, they will calmly explain to you where and what number to call.
Using the mobile application
By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and together with, a special application was developed for modern mobile phones that use iOS and Android software. This application can be found on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, downloaded for free through the Apple App Store and Google Play online stores.
You can install the software on your smartphone very simply:
- Using the links provided.
- By scanning the QR code on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
By installing this application on your cell phone, you can take advantage of undeniable advantages:
- you can reach the police department with just one click;
- the program independently determines your location in an emergency situation in which you are unable to talk;
- When a signal is received, a police squad will be sent to your location to check the situation.
If you launch the application, it will automatically determine your location, find the nearest police department and give you the opportunity to call law enforcement officers. In the program you can find information about your local inspector, police call numbers and other useful information.
Using the application, you can send the necessary application directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, attaching video or photo information. Through the application, you can contact the helpline in order to appeal the unlawful actions of police officers and explain the current situation.
If there is an emergency on the street
We are used to not thinking about it, but everyone knows that many dangers await us on the street. For example, if you are lost while on vacation in the forest and cannot find your way home, the emergency phone number of the search and rescue service will help you: +7
Are you in such a difficult situation that your health and life are at risk? Feel free to dial the Ministry of Emergency Situations number for special risk operations: +7
. And the Crisis Management Center will help you during natural disasters: