How to reissue a SIM card from a legal entity to an individual

Kommersant reported that more than 16 million corporate clients may lose access to communication services.

This is due to amendments to the Law “On Communications”. According to them, companies that entered into an agreement with the operator before June 1, 2021 are required to enter data about users of corporate SIM cards into the Unified Identification and Authorization System. Otherwise, such subscribers will be disconnected from December 1.

But there is a solution: register the SIM card yourself, re-registering it in your name. Let's figure out how to do this with the largest operators in Russia.


Below are the documents that will be required to re-register the contract.

Transferring party (from a legal entity)

• Power of attorney for the representative to re-register the contract indicating the passport details of the authorized representative (certified by the signature of the head) - only for the representative of the legal entity • Extract from the minutes of the meeting of shareholders/participants on the appointment of the general. director for the position of head of the organization, certified by the seal of the organization - only for the head of a legal entity • Passport of the Russian Federation

Receiving party (from a legal entity)

• Power of attorney for the representative to re-register the contract indicating the passport details of the authorized representative (certified by the signature of the head) - only for the representative of the legal entity • Extract from the minutes of the meeting of shareholders/participants on the appointment of the general. director for the position of head of the organization, certified by the seal of the organization - only for the head of a legal entity • Passport of the Russian Federation

Only a Russian passport is required from an individual.

If the receiving party is not an MTS subscriber , in addition to the application, you must provide the package of documents below:

▪️ list of documents ▪️ list of statements

How to re-register from a legal entity to an individual:

1. The transmitting party fills in on its part:

• act of acceptance of the transfer of rights and obligations under the contract for the provision of communication services

• covering letter to this act

• a copy of the document confirming the right of the representative of the transferring party to sign the act of acceptance and transfer of rights and obligations under the contract for the provision of communication services on behalf of the organization and a covering letter

2. The receiving party personally contacts MTS PJSC with the transfer and acceptance certificate of rights and obligations under the contract for the provision of communication services, completed from the transferring party, as well as the original of the covering letter to this act completed from the transferring party.

You must also have with you a copy of a document confirming the right of a representative of the transferring party to sign an act of acceptance and transfer of rights and obligations under an agreement for the provision of communication services on behalf of the organization and a covering letter.

The service for re-registration of the contract costs 340 rubles .

List of documents for re-registration

The standard re-registration process takes place in permanent offices. During re-registration, the presence of the person to whom the number is registered, the person using the SIM card, is required. The operator will request the passports of both persons.

However, there are cases when two persons are in different cities, or it is extremely difficult to find contact information.

Many operators accommodate subscribers halfway by conducting the registration procedure without the presence of the formal owner, if the SIM card holder provides the necessary information on the transactions performed. However, MegaFon treats such manipulations with the utmost severity and may refuse to re-register.

To convince the manager that the number belongs to the SIM card holder, you need to provide company employees with:

  1. Detailed details of completed transactions. First, before going to the office of a cellular operator, you need to print out an archive of messages or calls for the last month, or better yet, for a whole year.
  2. If banking transactions were carried out using a cellular number, then it is worth picking up the entire archive of the mobile application and printing or at least recording all the transactions performed.
  3. Long before re-registration, gradually save your balance replenishment receipts. This entire process is designed by the operator so that registration takes place exclusively in his own name.

Providing these documents can serve as confirmation of the owner.

If the SIM card was purchased as a gift along with a mobile phone for immediate family, then the provider user almost certainly has access to the box and a card with PIN and PUK access codes. The presence of the box will be perceived by the operator as an additional argument for using the provider. All necessary documentation is as follows:

  1. Passport.
  2. Printout of calls made and messages sent.
  3. Balance replenishment checks.
  4. Number box.


Below are the documents that will be required to re-register the contract.

• Application form for re-registration for the prepaid payment system

• Application form for re-registration for the postpaid payment system

• Power of attorney form

For existing individual clients

1. Print out the application form for re-registration of the number, fill it out and sign

2. Pay off all debts by number

3. Visit the Beeline office with an application and passport. If you are an authorized representative of an existing client, you will need a notarized power of attorney

For existing legal clients

1. Print the application form for re-registration of the number and fill it out

2. Certify the application with the signature of the general director and the seal of the organization

3. Pay off all debts by number

4. Visit the Beeline office with your passport, application and power of attorney for number renewal

For new number owners

1. Visit the Beeline office. You need to have a passport and a power of attorney from the organization to conclude an agreement if the organization already has a contract with Beeline

2. If there is no contract, you will need to conclude one. To do this, you will need the organization's documents:

• copy and original certificate of state registration of a legal entity • copy and original certificate of registration of a legal entity with the tax authority

3. Sign the Communication Services Agreement.

4. Make an advance payment.

5. Pay for the re-registration service (you will have to check the price in the salon)

How to reissue a SIM card if the owner has died

If such a tragedy occurs, you can transfer the deceased’s phone number to yourself. Unfortunately, the procedure takes some time.

To change the owner of a number, you need to:

  1. Go to the operator's department. After this, explain to the manager the purpose of your visit.
  2. Show your passport. Needed to re-issue a SIM card.
  3. Give the manager the death certificate of the former owner of the SIM card.
  4. Write an application about your desire to obtain the right to own a SIM card.
  5. Sign the new contract.

The longest part of re-registration is obtaining a certificate of death of a person. Without this package, it will not be possible to change ownership.


Below are the documents that will be required to re-register the contract.

• An identification document of a representative of a legal entity, or an original power of attorney for re-registration of an agreement

• Application for re-registration of a number from a legal entity to an individual

• Identity document of the receiving individual

• Original notarized power of attorney for a representative of an individual, issued for re-registration of an agreement (in case of an application by a representative of an individual)

If the transferring party has transferred to Tele2 from another telecom operator via MNP, an Agreement on the assignment of rights and transfer of obligations is drawn up. The number is transferred only if there are no debts from previous periods.

How to re-register from a legal entity to an individual:

1. You must contact the Tele2 salon with the documents specified above.

2. It is possible to transfer a number from a legal entity (transferring party) to an individual in the presence of only the receiving party. To do this you must present:

• Application for assignment of rights and obligations under an agreement for the provision of communication services (to be completed by the transferring party - a legal entity, if it is impossible for its personal presence in the Tele2 communication salon)

• Identity document of an individual

• The original of the notarized power of attorney for the representative of an individual, issued for re-registration of the contract, and an identification document of the representative (in the case of an application by a representative of an individual)

The service is provided free of charge.

Validity periods

The period for which the Principal transfers his powers is not limited by law. If the power of attorney does not indicate its validity period, it will remain valid for a year from the date of its preparation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 186).

A power of attorney issued at the operator’s office has limitations - no more than 5 years. A document without an issue date is considered invalid.

A power of attorney is a convenient and reliable tool, but only if it is correctly and correctly drawn up. If you want to receive a high-quality document, entrust it to professionals. A power of attorney drawn up in Beeline has a number of advantages:

  • meets all legal requirements;
  • stored by the operator;
  • easily cancelled;
  • compiled for free.


Below are the documents that will be required to re-register the contract.

• Passport of the Russian Federation • Application for re-issuance of a number from a corporate client to an individual

How to re-register from a legal entity to an individual:

1. An individual whose number is being reissued must contact a MegaFon salon with an identification document.

2. Provide an application:

• Or one, filled out by both parties at the same time - an individual and a corporate client

• Or 2 separate ones - from an individual and from a corporate client

In this case, an individual can fill out an application directly in the salon, and a corporate client can submit a scanned copy of the completed application through the Personal Account of the corporate client or as part of the Remote Service service.

The service costs 200 rubles.

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