Find out where a Beeline subscriber is located - “Locator” service

The service from Beeline Locator allows you to determine the location of other subscribers who have given their consent to this. For example, using this service you can monitor the location of children and elderly people who need regular monitoring. If necessary, vehicle tracking can be provided. The locator works quite accurately and does not require the use of special equipment equipped with GPS/GLONASS receivers. Let's talk about how to find the location of a Beeline subscriber using Locator and what you need for this.

Description of the Locator service

The Locator service from Beeline receives the coordinates of tracked subscribers at base stations. In urban areas, the location accuracy is quite high , but outside the city, where there are quite a few base stations, the accuracy may drop. However, the service works, and it works efficiently and accurately. Using the Locator service, we can quickly find a Beeline subscriber and determine his location down to the street.

In this case, it does not matter at all what kind of mobile phone the desired subscriber uses - a smartphone or the simplest dialer. As soon as the network receives a command to determine the location, it polls the desired phone and the base stations surrounding it, calculates the coordinates and resets them in one form or another to the searching subscriber.

In order to find out where a Beeline subscriber is located, you need to use the application for smartphones and tablets on Android. This is the most visual tool that allows you to quickly determine the coordinates of the desired subscribers. And the undoubted advantage is that the results are immediately displayed on the city map. You can also manage the service and search for other Beeline subscribers via SMS , but this is not so convenient. The thing is that the answer about the location of other subscribers comes in the form of an SMS, which indicates the coordinates and a link to the map. The resulting link can be opened on a computer or smartphone. It works on a similar principle.

The Locator service from Beeline allows you to receive the location coordinates of subscribers of the Russian cellular networks Beeline, MegaFon and MTS (up to 200 requests per day). In this case, the phone of the desired subscriber must be turned on, and only in Russia. If the desired subscriber is roaming, then it will be impossible to determine his location. The maximum number of tracked subscribers is up to 5.

As for the cost of the service, the subscription fee for its use is 7 rubles/day (3 rubles/day for old subscribers who connected before October 26, 2021), the cost of service SMS is 0 rubles, the cost of queries about the location of subscribers is 0 RUB, free period (provided once) – 7 days, the cost of traffic for running the Latitude application depends on the tariff used by the subscriber.


If you are wondering how to check the user’s location, enable the “Coordinates” option. There are two main connection methods:

• Call number 0665; • Blank SMS to 4770.

Login to Coordinates

The cost of use is 1.7 rubles daily. The first 7 days are a free trial period. allows you to track the location of up to 5 contacts on your list. For the “Coordinates service” to work correctly, you must have a smartphone that has the Internet and geolocation enabled; follow the link to read about all the connection methods.

Please note that contacts must agree to have their location searched. Searching for the location of a Beeline subscriber is carried out on a special page of the application - when you log in through your personal account, you will see a map. The service is managed using SMS and sending various commands.

The main differences between this service and the similar Locator option:

• Coordinates only work within the network; this is an excellent option for tracking a Beeline subscriber. The locator can search for users of other operators; • Coordinates are limited to searching for user locations, while Latitude allows you to search for your own location, as well as objects nearby.

So, let's move on to the description of the third service, which supports tracking the location of a subscriber by Beeline phone number.

How the service works

The Beeline Locator service works by calculating the location of the desired subscribers among the operator’s base stations. The accuracy of determining coordinates is high, but on country roads the error can reach up to 1 km. The locator works like this:

  • Permission to determine the location is obtained;
  • The searching subscriber makes a request via SMS or application;
  • The network determines the coordinates and transmits them to the application (or sends them as SMS).

The maximum request frequency is no more than 1 time per 5 minutes. By the way, if you use the mobile application, you will be able not only to determine the location of other subscribers, but also to search for various objects on the map (for free). How are permits obtained? To do this, a request is created in the application menu or in the SMS menu, after which the desired subscriber receives a service SMS containing a question about permission (the message indicates the number of the searching subscriber). If the subscriber wants to allow his location to be determined, he needs to send the word “YES” (without quotes) in a reply SMS.

additional information

Determining location is technically possible only in situations when the mobile device of the desired subscriber is turned on or in standby mode. The accuracy of the determination depends on the quality of the mobile network in the search area and some natural factors. The error of determination in an area with good network coverage is from 250 meters, in an area with a weak network – up to several kilometers.

Requests for finding Beeline and MegaFon subscribers are not limited, and MTS clients can be searched no more than 200 times per month. Determination is possible only on the condition that the subscriber being searched is within the mobile network of his operator and not outside of Russia. The minimum interval between sending requests is 5 minutes.

About the “Bug” and “Locator” applications:

  • Stable operation is guaranteed when installed on devices with iOS or Android operating systems versions no lower than 4.0 and 8.0, respectively.
  • Available only to users who are Beeline subscribers.
  • Cannot be used without activation.
  • They open up the opportunity to search for a person more than 5 times in one day.

How to determine a subscriber's location

In order to find out where a Beeline subscriber is located , you need to go to the application menu or SMS menu, select the tracked subscriber there and wait for a response:

  • As a cursor on the map for those tracking using the app;
  • In the form of an SMS with a link to the map and coordinates for those who track using the SMS menu.

The SMS command is sent like this: we create an SMS with the phrase “Where is 9061234567” (without quotes) and send it to number 5166. In the application, the request process looks more clear and simple. Need to find your coordinates or get information about nearby objects? To do this, you can use the functionality of the Latitude application or the SMS commands “Where am I” and “What’s nearby” (without quotes) sent to number 5166.

Service management using SMS requests

Before you start managing the service, add several subscribers to the search list. Remember, all messages with commands are sent to number 4770. In order to add a contact to the list, send an SMS with his name and mobile number.

However, that’s not all; to start managing the service, you also need to obtain permission from the SIM card user. After permission is received, you can check and see how the service from Beeline works.

If you decide to remove a subscriber from the search list, also send an SMS: “Delete + phone number or name.”

Turn on the navigator to search and determine the coordinates of the Beeline subscriber.

Description from Beeline

“Locator” is a service that helps you find out the location of a mobile device in case of loss or the need to understand where its owner is. This works based on data from the company's telecommunications towers - the SIM card connects to one or more stations, which gives an idea of ​​​​its location.

Most often, Locator is used to find relatives, but it can also be useful in the following cases:

  • clarifying your location;
  • finding a lost device;
  • search for organizations or objects nearby.

How the service works

The coordinates are determined in the following order:

  1. Activate.
  2. Connect a monitored subscriber by sending a text message with the subscriber's number and name to the short telephone number 4770 . For example: Anatoly 89697573434 .
  3. Wait for a response notification with the coordinates of the requested subscriber.

The maximum number of requests is not specified in the terms of service. However, there is a limitation: at least 5 minutes must pass between requests. It is necessary to obtain consent from the subscriber to track his coordinates. To send consent, the subscriber who received the request must send a response message with the text YES to the phone from which the request came. It is most convenient to use this service using the official platform of the “Beeline Coordinates” option on the Internet. By registering on this page, you can view information about the location of controlled subscribers on a special map.

Feedback from users of the Beeline Coordinates service

This service is used by quite a lot of subscribers of the mobile operator Beeline. They get involved when there is a need to control children. They are usually against such control, but if you set the condition for them that a new phone will be purchased if the coordinate determination service is activated. When considering similar services from other operators, it turns out that the prices there are higher. There are free mobile applications, but they do not work correctly and the beacon is not detected.

And sometimes false information comes. After trying various third-party applications and services, users decide to activate this service on Beeline. Although the service is paid, no advance payment is required. If there is not enough money, the balance will not become negative, the service will simply stop working. But when the balance is replenished, all debts are written off at once. The service is very helpful when supervising children. For example, there was a case when a child traveled several extra stops on the bus because he fell asleep. His parents called him and explained which bus he could take to return. There was no other way to explain it, since the child did not know where he was.

Sometimes it happens that this function is not available. But this happens very rarely. In other matters, the service turned out to be convenient. Parents are always sure that their children have reached a place, for example, to school, if, of course, they have their phone with them and it is turned on. Experts recommend that parents of schoolchildren activate this function. You just need consent, but that’s another question. Only the subscriber himself can decide whether he needs this service. Some people praise the service, others criticize it, since the accuracy of calculating coordinates is not always sufficient.

The procedure for determining the subscriber’s coordinates via the Internet

On the service page on the Internet, press the “ Connect for free ” button. A window will open where you must enter your number and password to enter the page. To receive a password, you need to send the text PASSWORD to service phone 4770 .

After authorization and login to your personal service page, you will be presented with settings for changing your password in a more complex way. On the same page you can block the service. You can open the settings in the menu located at the top right.

On the main page, you need to click the “ Add subscriber ” button, then dial the number in ten-digit format and the name of the controlled subscriber. Then this user will be added to the list. You need to wait for a notification of consent to control from him. This is how other subscribers are added, but no more than five people.

In the list of subscribers who have agreed to be tracked, next to the subscriber’s name there is a “ Find ” button. If you click on it, the subscriber’s current location will be shown on the map, and a notification will be sent to the mobile device with his address and coordinates.

Search through your Google account from a computer and another smartphone

Everything is simple here and, most likely, you already know about it.

Through any web browser, go to Google Find My Device. Enter the “Google ID/password” pair and find the smartphone (geolocation accuracy up to 20 meters).

Google Find My Device will send a geolocation request notification to your smartphone.

Built-in phone search tools

A number of manufacturers offer their own way to track phones. Here are the options from Google (for any Android phone) and Samsung (for Samsung devices).

The easiest way to find a phone number

The Google Find My Device app is a must-have for Android users and one of the most useful Android apps. If you've added a Google account to your Android device, Find My Device will be enabled automatically. You can check that the service is running by going to “Settings”, then selecting “Google” and opening “Find my device”. Sometimes before the last item you will need to open the “Security” item. After this, all that remains is to make sure that the function is enabled.

Setup in three clicks

So, when you enable this feature, you can find your gadget by simply going to the device search page. You can search in this way not only phones, but also tablets, and even watches. They can also be remotely erased and blocked.

To start searching, you will need to either download the application from Google Play or go to a special website. In the first case, do not forget to log out of your account if you were looking for your smartphone from someone else. Otherwise, this person will be able to track the position of your device.

If you use the WEB version, the functionality will be the same , but you won’t have to ask anyone to install the application and give you a phone number. The problem is that often there is simply no computer at hand and you have to resort to the help of other users.

How to find a lost Samsung

Samsung offers its own way to find a lost phone for its users - Find My Mobile . Only people with a Samsung account can use it.

To check if the option is enabled, open your phone's settings. Now scroll to “Biometrics and Security” and select “Search for Devices” inside. If the setting is not activated, this can be easily done by moving the corresponding switch.

Do this if you have a Samsung.

You'll also be able to choose whether you want to enable remote unlock and recent location sharing options. In the first case, Samsung will record your PIN, password, or pattern, allowing you to unlock your device even if you forgot it. Once activated, you will be able to control your phone even remotely. The Send Last Location option is very important because it detects when the battery is about to die and sends the phone's last known location to Samsung servers.


A smartphone is a part of life and it’s unpleasant to part with it. But a thing is a thing, be prepared to lose it. What to do if you don’t want to part with your smartphone without a fight?

They found your smartphone, but we couldn’t get through to it. You can protect yourself from such a scenario even at the stage of obtaining a SIM card.

What is a SIM card and why can you refuse a piece of plastic?

Behind the physical SIM card there is only one important identifier - ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card Identifier), which at the time of purchase is linked to IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) and MSISDN (11-digit subscriber number).

MTS search

The Russian operator MTS has introduced the Parental Control service. It makes it possible, in addition to directly tracking the location of a child or elderly adult, to also report the balance of his phone, battery charge and notify caregivers about the status of the phone: on or off, connected or not to Wi-Fi networks, etc.

Even more convenience is provided by the “MTS Search - find friends by geolocation and number” application; there are versions for both Android and iOS. This service allows you to track the movement of your ward in real time, as well as receive notifications about it. You can even create specific geographic zones and find out when a child gets there or leaves the area.

This service is paid; the basic MTS Search tariff is 3 rubles per day. As a result, by paying less than 100 rubles per month, you can connect up to 3 people to the service.

♥ BY TOPIC: How to measure the distance between two points in Google Maps.

Service capabilities

To find out a person's location, you don't have to call him. It is enough to connect the MTS Search service, which includes 5;

  • "My car";
  • "Mobile employees";
  • "Child under supervision";
  • "My city".
  • The services allow you to obtain information about the location of friends, colleagues, children, and also your car. When you activate “My City,” you will receive information about the infrastructure of the locality.

    Clients who have enabled the option save time searching for cafes, ATMs and other buildings. Thanks to the service, parents will know where the child was and what applications he used.


    The “Locator” option allows you to determine the location of any subscriber who has an MTS, Beeline, or Megafon number. Before searching for a person, you need to add him to the service. For this:

    1. Send an SMS with your name and number to 6677. For example, Evgeniy 9214751298.
    2. A message will be sent to the phone of the subscriber who will be “surveilled”. You must give a positive answer, otherwise the search will be prohibited.
    3. Submit a location request.

    The service is provided on a paid basis. The billing period allows only 100 requests.

    Child under supervision

    The service is similar to the Locator option, although there are some differences. “Child under supervision” allows you to immediately determine the location of a group of people. Service capabilities include:

    • determination of MTS subscriber coordinates;
    • checking the child's balance;
    • control of used applications;
    • checking the battery charge level.

    To use this option you must register with the service. This can be done via LC. To register, send “Login” to 7888. The next step is to only add the numbers that will be monitored. A similar procedure is performed:

    1. Through the self-government system. Enter the phone number to which the message will be sent.
    2. Via SMS. To add a parent, “Mom” is sent to number 7788. To register your son, you need to send the message “Child Kirill 9137896523.”

    The service allows you to create a group of 9 people. To obtain information, a request “Where is Kirill” is sent to 7788 (the name is indicated, the one that was added to the service).

    For using the option, 100 rubles are deducted monthly. This amount includes control of 3 numbers. An additional fee will be charged for the fourth subscriber (check with the operator, as it depends on the region of residence). For informational purposes, there is no charge for using the service for 2 weeks.

    My city

    Another option included in the Search service from MTS. Thanks to the functionality, the client of mobile television systems receives location information:

    • banks;
    • gas stations;
    • pharmacies and hospitals;
    • communication salons;
    • restaurants and cafes;
    • shops;
    • entertainment centers.

    To connect to the service, dial “Where” on your phone, then send an SMS to 6677.

    My car

    The service allows you to control the movement of a work or private vehicle. The error in coordinates is 3 meters. A subscriber who connects “My Car” receives:

    • travel information;
    • information about the location of the vehicle;
    • the ability to generate a safety assessment;
    • detailed statistics on finances, mileage, number of trips.

    To track the location of the car you need:

    1. Buy a device.
    2. Install software.
    3. Activate the device.
    4. Install the gadget in the vehicle.

    The gadget can be installed on cars manufactured after 2001. In this case, the vehicle must have an OBD connector.

    Mobile employees

    To run a successful business, you need to know where your employees are. The MTS Search service will handle this task. Mobile Employees includes 3 separate services:

    1. "Coordinator". The functionality allows you to plan and control the execution of tasks and coordinate the movement of vehicles. The system has a flexible interface. Thanks to this, it can be integrated into any enterprise.
    2. "Employees". The functionality is aimed at tracking location. You can calculate the route of movement of any representative of the organization. Control is carried out using detailed reports.
    3. "Transport". The option is aimed at total control over cars. The reports display information about the location of the vehicle with an accuracy of up to 3 meters, as well as fuel consumption and stops made.

    How to find a phone using a SIM card?

    Searching for a smartphone using a SIM card is required not only in situations where it is lost. Some parents want to be constantly aware of their child's whereabouts. Also, smartphone tracking services may be needed by users who have elderly parents or disabled relatives - such people require constant monitoring.

    Keep in mind that you can only find out the location of a smartphone using a SIM card if it is activated. Finding a turned off gadget is much more problematic. Therefore, cases of robbery are not considered here, since thieves, as a rule, immediately turn off the stolen device.

    Now let's look at the types of subscriber search services provided by cellular operators.

    How does Beeline's Locator work?

    To start tracking a child or loved one with the Latitude service, you need to add them to the search list.

    People often ask whether it is possible to set up the Beeline locator for surveillance without the subscriber’s consent. We answer: this is impossible.

    The subscriber must agree to determine his location; this operation is performed once. Next, you can use one of three methods to determine the location:

    • Send requests to number 5166. Coordinates will be sent in text form. This method can be used on simple push-button phones; modern smartphones have more convenient tracking interfaces;
    • It is convenient to use the USSD menu using the command *566#;
    • The “Locator” mobile application is the most convenient way. To install it, you need to call 0783, and the support service will send a link for installation. “Locator” can also be easily searched in Google Play and the App Store. With the application, you can determine the location of loved ones, manage the list of people you are looking for, and also check the list of subscribers who have the right to track you. The application works correctly with smartphone operating systems Android 4.0 and higher, iOS 8.0 and higher.

    The richest functionality of the “Locator” service from Beeline is presented on the website. Here, the location of subscribers can be tracked directly on the area map, and in the “Objects” section it is easy to find shops, restaurants, cafes, pharmacies and other organizations of interest.

    The operator calls the monitor Supervisor, and the monitored User. One Supervisor can have no more than 5 Users (searched), but the number of Supervisors for Users is not limited. You can track the location using the locator only if the User's phone is turned on, otherwise an SMS will be sent stating that it is impossible to find the subscriber.

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