Subscriber Unavailable Leave a Message After the Signal What Does This Mean Tele2

March 11, 2021

Author: Maxim

The situation when, after calling a certain phone number, an answering machine answers you and says that the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, is quite common.

At the same time, the problem itself can lie in a variety of reasons - a bad network, a person is already talking to someone, or your smartphone has poor network reception.

In the previous article, we looked in detail at what a gyroscope is. Today you will learn what it means when the answering machine says - the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back later when you dial someone, and in what cases this phrase is said.

Important! The phrase is pronounced absolutely the same for all cellular operators: MTS, TELE2, Megafon and Beeline. Plus, it often alternates with another phrase - the subscriber’s device is turned off or is out of network coverage. They usually mean the same thing.

The subscriber is unavailable; what does it mean

3. If a person has a dual-SIM phone, then he can easily talk on another SIM card, but the waiting service is not configured on it. In this case, the answering machine will turn on and pronounce this phrase. The difference is “Subscriber is temporarily unavailable” and “Subscriber’s device is turned off”


7. You called each other at the same time - quite often your answering machine turns on for this very reason.
Interesting! Usually, in 99% of cases, when the user appears online again, you will receive an SMS message about this. For some operators, this function may be disabled by default and you need to enable it yourself.

  • Number Unavailable Leave a Message on the Answering Machine What does this mean Tele2|what does it mean on Tele2 The subscriber's phone is Temporarily Unavailable What does this mean|if they say the Subscriber's phone is Temporarily Unavailable What does this mean Tele2

The situation when, after calling a certain phone number, an answering machine answers you and says that the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, is quite common. Or the owner of the number is talking to another person. The service is paid and is usually not included in the operator’s standard starter package. This option is customizable according to user preferences.

Beeline answering machine

Let's consider connecting the service using the example of the mobile operator Beeline.

  1. Sending a command to a short number. To do this, dial the request *110*011# on the keyboard of your mobile device and press the call key. After a few seconds, you will receive a notification that the service has been successfully connected.
  2. Using your personal account. Visit the official website of the mobile operator and write your credentials. Open the menu to connect an answering machine. The service will be activated within a few minutes. An alternative method involves installing the “My Beeline” mobile application. It is distributed free of charge through the App Store and Google Play catalogs.
  3. Call the hotline. Dial 8 or 0611 . Listen to voice prompts and select a section with services. You can listen to left messages by calling 0600. The operator will send notifications about new voice messages.

You can disable the service with the command *110*010#.

Subscriber Unavailable Leave a Message After the Sound Signal What Does It Mean?

After reading the article carefully, you will find out what this message means when, when you call, you hear “The number is busy, leave a message on the answering machine.” In what cases can you hear this answer and why does it sound. This happens quite often, and therefore there are many opinions on this matter.

In what cases is the answering machine activated (read more...)

    The subscriber is currently in the subway, underpass or other places with a weak signal;

Tips and tricks

Even if Megafon’s number is inaccessible, you can take a set of necessary measures! You will definitely be able to contact the right user, just do the following:

  • Write an SMS message or send a message in instant messenger. In any case, the subscriber will see the notification after turning on the smartphone;
  • Wait a few minutes - the failure may disappear on its own if the problem lies in technical problems;
  • Be sure to inform the person about the problems - perhaps he does not know that the number has been left without communication.

The number is busy, leave a message on the answering machine, what does this mean?

Autoresponder in mobile devices is a special feature or service. Its other name is “Voicemail”. It makes it possible for business people and those who need it to receive important notifications when their phone is out of network coverage. What does the message mean when the subscriber's number is busy?

Service name

To make it easier to understand why such a message is heard on the phone, let’s look at a specific example with the Beeline operator. The company offers every subscriber who wishes to activate the “Answering machine” service. The cost of the prepaid service is 21.36 rubles. Daily payment – ​​1.01 rubles.

In order for a blocked number to be able to leave messages again after it is unblocked, you must call +79037430098.
The number is not toll-free, the call is paid in accordance with the subscriber's tariff. You can manage this function and configure additional parameters in your personal account in the section » from Beeline Video instructions These are all kinds of situations in which voice mail can be used and you can hear a message from the answering machine that the number is busy: 1. Even before a conversation with the called subscriber, the signal must travel to the base station, that is, to the tower. They amplify the signal in order to then transmit it over long distances.

How to solve a problem

The message “Subscriber is busy or temporarily unavailable” Megafon is not a barrier. You will definitely be able to contact the person you are looking for - try to do everything according to our instructions.

  • Try to call back in a few minutes - perhaps you have encountered a short-term malfunction and everything will work out on its own;
  • Write an SMS message and send it to the desired mobile phone. You will save yourself from repeatedly dialing the phone, and the user will definitely receive a message after the signal returns. Either the subscriber will call you back on their own, or you will receive a notification that they are available to call again.

Did not work out? Look for other communication channels to see if you can contact the user in a different way, but also be sure to do the following

Be sure to inform the user about the problem - perhaps he did not even know that he had temporarily lost access to the network.

We explained what a common notification means - now you can figure out the reasons for its appearance and how you can solve the problem yourself.

Subscriber Unavailable Leave a Message After the Sound Signal What Does It Mean?

Like any electronic device, a mobile phone has a battery to keep the components inside powered. There are also buttons that, by clicking on them, the user can turn it off if necessary.

What is the route of the mobile phone signal? (read more…)

In the era of regular landline phones, everything was clear. The devices process signals and transmit the signal through wires. If there are no problems with the telephone and wires, then such a system has not known any failures.

What to do in this case

After you hear a voice on the phone saying that your subscriber is not online, wait a while and try calling again. This is the only solution to the problem you are having. In order not to waste time on pointless attempts, just send him an SMS message asking him to call you back. After the SMS is delivered, mobile phones often emit a sound indicating its receipt, you will receive a notification, after which you can call back again. For the rest, patience will be required. You need to wait until the person’s phone registers again with the operator’s network.

The subscriber is temporarily unavailable"

That is why in megacities and large populated areas, where there are a lot of such obstacles to the signal, cellular communication companies strive to install as many base stations as possible. The simplest cases of why a subscriber is unavailable

For what reason is the subscriber still unavailable?

It must be admitted that such a connection is quite reliable. However, it also has its weak points. The unreliable link of communication is the first stage , when the signal passes from the mobile phone to the base station.

Anyone who has a cell phone knows this phrase. And he immediately realizes that he won’t be able to communicate with the person he’s calling now.


When callers report that a subscriber is unavailable, this may be due to problems with the phone or network. Here is a more detailed list of reasons for the lack of cellular communication:

  1. No operator has 100% coverage. The network may not catch in certain places: the subway, basements, underground passages, on an airplane.
  2. There are rooms equipped with special screens. This is done to prevent mobile phones in this area from receiving communications. Examples of such places include theaters or concert halls.
  3. In the countryside, the concentration of towers is not so high - this means that the signal may be interrupted, and in some areas even absent.
  4. Line overload can also interfere with communication with the subscriber. This phenomenon is observed on holidays or in traffic jams.

What is the Megafon operator number, how to call him

Now let’s find out what problems with the phone can become an obstacle to communication:

  1. Lack of SIM card.
  2. The device is discharged.
  3. The device has broken down due to impact or water.

Voice mail

Those who want to always be in touch regardless of the circumstances can connect themselves to an additional one - “Voicemail”. Its operation resembles a regular mailbox. Callers who were unable to reach you have the opportunity to leave you a voice message. Such messages will be collected and stored until you listen to them. You can activate this option completely free of charge. The daily fee for use is 1.7 rubles.

To activate the option you need to execute the USSD command *845#call. After this, be sure to call service number 222 and listen to the information. You will be asked to set a password and create a greeting message for your answering machine.

The next step is to set up redirection. If you do not install it, then the answering machine will not work even in activated mode. You should dial the combination **forwarding condition code*+79262000204.

You listened to the available encodings when you called 222.

You can listen to the messages left:

  • by calling short number 222;
  • on the official site .

You can deactivate using the combination *845*0#call or through the operator’s website. After disabling the option, you need to send a request ##forwarding code #call. This is done to cancel call forwarding. This function can be disabled in the smartphone settings. If you are going to leave the designated network coverage area for some time, then you should use the service. With it you will not miss important messages and will be up to date with events. It does not require any special financial costs, which makes Megafon subscribers very happy. With it, you can listen to messages even if your mobile connection fails, via the Internet. It is very comfortable and modern.

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